A big, you might call pivotal, moment for me was when I realised that if I stay in my government job, I'll become like them - fat, complacent, lazy, bitter, scheming, incompetent, incapable of making my own money, and apparently ignorant that I could make my own choices.
The *Them* I knew quite well, because for years I'd had a friend who although lots of fun to be around, was a deeply flawed human, lazy, the absolute opposite of driven or ambitious, professionally in a rut of many years, trapped being a wage slave and for not great a wage.
As usual, I had no real idea of what I wanted. I only knew what I did not want.
To not become Them was at the top of this list of one.
And so started hatching the scheme, kinda on its own.
I could write, or so I had been told. I knew about this internet thing, at least enough to be on my second 'internet job' at this point. I had a blog, which made more enemies and caused more stress than it was worth, but it somehow established that yeah, I could have a thought and put it down in a reasonably readable fashion.
So I would write, but who would pay?